Sunday Morning Ministries Usher - Greeter (responsibilities) You are one of the first people that members and visitors see when they come to First Lutheran. You welcome people and find a “home” for them for the hour of worship. You see to their needs. If people are unfamiliar with the building you are the ones who will direct them to the nursery, bathrooms, water fountains and other needs during the time they’re at First Lutheran. Go out of your way to greet and meet people with the worship bulletin, bringing warmth and welcome to all even before the worship service has begun. Also assist in collecting the offering and directing worshipers during communion.
Assistant Minister The Assistant Minister helps the pastor lead the worship service. They lead the congregation in prayers and assist in administering Holy Communion.
Lector Reading scripture during a worship service is not a ministry reserved only for pastors. Worship is the work of the people, the body of Christ who meet together for praise, prayer, and sacraments.
God’s word and God’s presence among us is being proclaimed when a lector reads the scripture lessons. Whether it’s a word of praise, of lament, of trust, or forgiveness depends on the designated scripture for a particular day.
When reading, lectors give the word of God special care and attention. A lector is the cradle, holding the word of God that comes among us when we worship. When lectors read the scripture with care and devotion, even a child or a stranger can know that something profound is happening.
Communion Preparers Lutherans have two sacraments: baptism and communion. Preparing the elements of communion is a behind the scenes task that is one of the most significant needs for worship. Communion is celebrated every Sunday at First Lutheran many people are needed to prepare the communion elements and bring them to the altar before worship. The communion preparers “set the table” for the holy meal of communion when they fill the cups with wine and when they fill the patens (communion dishes) with bread. They also take special care in clearing and storing the communion ware after worship has ended.
Communion Servers Those who serve communion are crucial members of the entire communion team who volunteer each Sunday. Once the pastor has spoken the words of institution over the bread and the wine, the words “The body of Christ, given for you” and “The blood of Christ, shed for you” need to be heard by all. Seeing people of various ages, men and women, new members and long standing members all volunteering as communion servers reminds us once again that even though the body of Christ has many members there is only one mission. A good family service opportunity if there are middle school/senior high students in your family.
Communion Assistants Youth participate in serving communion along with the pastor and communion servers.
Nursery Volunteers (responsibilities) Even though you are a distance away from the sanctuary during worship you are providing important leadership by caring for young children and infants. Parenting can be stressful and when parents of young children come to worship they may not be able to concentrate on parenting and worshipping at the same time. Your hands become the hands of Christ as you care for the children while parents are away.
Altar Guild Altar Guild volunteers change the paraments in accordance with the liturgical seasons.
Altar Flowers Altar flowers are a beautiful way to glorify our Lord during the worship service. You can honor a loved one, a member of the church, a staff member or whomever with floral arrangements for the sanctuary.
Audio & Video Operators (responsibilities) This important ministry supports all aspects of the audio and video support of the worship service. They effectively enhance, complement and serve the worship, and word at First Lutheran.