All shawls are blessed before
going out to individuals.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry uses yarn to create beautiful prayer shawls to comfort and warm those in need. For instance: those working through cancer treatment, significant illness, the loss of a loved one--people who would benefit from being wrapped in prayers and love.
How do I get a prayer shawl? Prayer shawls can be requested through the form below or by contacting the ministry coordinator.
Yes… they’re free. The making of a prayer shawl is a spiritual practice which embodies our thoughts and prayers for the receiver. It is a gift freely given with no strings attached. Made in prayer, as prayer, for prayer, the shawls are passed on hand-to-hand and heart-to-heart.
I’d love to be a member of this ministry but can’t make the meeting. NO PROBLEM! If you would like to make and donate prayer shawls but cannot attend the meetings, your support and participation are most welcome! For details, please contact the ministry coordinator.
I don’t know how to knit or crochet but would like to learn. Come to one of our meetings and we can get you started! Please bring your yarn and knitting needles/crochet hook to the meeting. We’d love to have you join us and bring a friend!
It takes three (5 oz) skeins of the same color yarn to make a prayer shawl. Donations are gladly accepted.