It allows giving by members and others to further the ministry of the whole church.
It is a perpetual fund from which only the earnings are distributed.
It funds mission work locally, synod wide and church wide.
It funds programs not supported by the regular operating budget of the church.
An Endowment Fund is Support Ministry – the faithful management of all God’s gifts to humankind: the created world, life, time, abilities, and money.
What Can Be Given to the Mission Endowment Fund?
Life Insurance Policies or Bequests
Certificates of deposit
IRA’s and retirement funds
Real property or real estate
Corporate or government bonds
What Can a Grant Support?
Evangelism – New mission development, ministry in the community, and evangelism in the community, synod, and worldwide church.
Outreach – Support for agencies to which congregation ministers such as local, synod, and church wide.
Christian Education – Can include students who are preparing for career vocations within the ELCA, mission trips and other local, synod, and church wide educational opportunities.
Other Opportunities – Other opportunities that may arise, which further support the mission of First Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Special Needs of the Congregation – Support for needs that are not normally itemized in the operational budget.
Purpose of the Endowment Fund Ministry Team
To act as the custodian of the fund and administer it to enhance the mission of the church.
Solicit requests for distribution of monies from The Endowment Fund.
Maintain a record of all gifts received and acknowledge receipt of the gifts to the donor.
Make regular reports to the Church Council as to the status of the fund.
Consider and vote on grant requests through e-mail or meetings as needed.