Bible Study Groups
First Lutheran has two active Bible Study Groups to participate in. Join one that's right for you!
Pericope Bible Study Group
Every Tuesday morning, the Pericope Bible Study group meets at 8:00am at Southern Lunch for breakfast, and to study the appointed readings for each Sunday’s worship service. Come join us for good food, fun, study and fellowship! |
Bible Study Group
The weekly Bible Study Group is held on Mondays at 2:00 PM in the Family Life Center conference room. There are great exchanges of ideas and experiences. There are about nine or so usually attending, but we would love to see more. We normally meet all year round, but have been known to take a week off here or there. If you stop in for a visit, you won't feel lost. We usually look at where we have been and where we are going in the section of scripture we are "studying". |